Freezing Anime Main Character
Set in a slightly futuristic world where earth has been invaded and is at war with aliens from another dimension called the nova the story follows the adventures of a japanese boy named kazuya aoi who enrolls for training at a special school for genetically modified girls called pandoras who battle the aliens and their male partners called limiters who use a special power called freezing to limit their opponent s mobility.
Freezing anime main character. Freezing tells the story of kazuya aoi as he sets out for his first day at the west genetics military academy right when a battle royale is being undertaken by the pandoras. Furījingu is a japanese manga written by dall young lim and illustrated by kwang hyun kim. Freezing list of characters. The manga and anime series freezing features a cast of characters designed by dall young lim and illustrated by kwang hyun kim.
It is here that he mistakes satellizer el bridget a powerful pandora known as the untouchable queen as his deceased sister and embraces her. Zero proves that this has been a character trait of hers from day one as she worked several jobs for several days straight to make absolutely sure that her little brother could afford the entry fee for the school he tested into. This only becomes more pronounced once she enters the e pandora project as she continuously gives. Freezing characters is an anime from studio acgt co ltd that falls into the main genre of action.
Related topic:Freezing characters is an anime from studio acgt co ltd that falls into the main genre of action. This only becomes more pronounced once she enters the e pandora project as she continuously gives. Zero proves that this has been a character trait of hers from day one as she worked several jobs for several days straight to make absolutely sure that her little brother could afford the entry fee for the school he tested into.