Lost Song Anime Characters
Rosuto songu is a musical fantasy anime television series produced by liden films in collaboration with dwango and mages the series follows rin and finis two girls with opposite backgrounds and personalities yet sharing the commonality of performing miraculous songs worthy of healing wind water and fire.
Lost song anime characters. Games movies tv video. Later she revealed her real name alea golt. Finis is a songstress being used by the capital army as a tool of war. She is the daughter of the late king golt and now she s the current queen replacing her father who was the king before her who was assassinated by general bazra.
However she must sacrifice her own life force in order to use this power. This category contains a list of all character pages. This category contains a list of all character pages. Rin s happy and peaceful life is shattered after she saves an injured.
Of the 105903 characters on anime characters database 13 are from the anime lost song. Mel and talgia are killed at the end of the first episode. She is the lost song the song of healing of herself that was thrown away by finis long time ago. Just like rin she possesses the power of song.
Rin grew up in a remote village with her family and was taught to keep her power secret while finis lives and performs in the royal palace. Rin s story and the original finis story are different timelines and rin herself is finis lost song. Rin has brown hair with a red bow and green eyes. Characters voice actors.
Rin is one of the main protagonists in the new netflix series lost song. She grows to love henry who is always with her. Finis is one of the main protagonists in the new netflix series lost song. You can create a new one below.
Pony goodlight is one of the main protagonists in the netflix series lost song.
Related topic:Pony goodlight is one of the main protagonists in the netflix series lost song. You can create a new one below. Finis is one of the main protagonists in the new netflix series lost song.