Nichijou Anime Characters
Nichijou primarily focuses on the daily antics of a trio of childhood friends high school girls mio naganohara yuuko aioi and mai minakami whose stories soon intertwine with the young genius hakase shinonome her robot caretaker nano and their talking cat sakamoto.
Nichijou anime characters. A deliberate play on the slice of life genre nichijou is a brilliantly written and fantastically executed comedy that s exciting and approachable for newcomers. Nichijou literally translates to day common everyday life being the usual translation. But still keeps plenty of anime in jokes up its sleeve for veterans. It was based on the manga and was animated and produced by kyoto animation.
Fandom apps take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. But what really drives slice of life shows for all you actual. Probably the nicest character in the show alongside sakurai sensei. Nichijou primarily focuses on the daily antics of a trio of childhood friends high school girls mio naganohara yuuko aioi and mai minakami whose stories soon intertwine with the young genius hakase shinonome her robot caretaker nano and their talking cat sakamoto.
Random and or outlandish events regularly occur throughout the series mainly through the mundane situations each character goes through. Nichijou is a japanese anime that aired from april to september 2011 in japan. She tries with yukko and mai to disguise herself from mio by wearing a daifuku mask. With every passing day the lives of these six as well as of the many people.
View mobile site fandomshop fandom ig galaxyquest fandom ig galaxyquest. Nichijou follows the everyday lives of various people in the town of tokisadame centering on the energetic yūko aioi the bright and cheerful mio naganohara the quiet and deadpan mai minakami the anxious android nano shinonome her young creator the professor and a talking cat named sakamoto along with an ensemble cast of characters.
Related topic:Nichijou follows the everyday lives of various people in the town of tokisadame centering on the energetic yūko aioi the bright and cheerful mio naganohara the quiet and deadpan mai minakami the anxious android nano shinonome her young creator the professor and a talking cat named sakamoto along with an ensemble cast of characters. View mobile site fandomshop fandom ig galaxyquest fandom ig galaxyquest. With every passing day the lives of these six as well as of the many people.